Got some time this weekend to do some updates on my projects.
Found out by one user that my Google Ajax Feed Slide Show plugin had some trouble working with Flickr. When investigating this it came to my attention that Flickr’s Media RSS only exposes the 75×75 square thumbnail in the thumbnail section, which really sucks IMO. So I created a Yahoo pipe that Flickr users can use in conjunction with my plugin to get medium sized images in their slide shows. The Google Ajax Feed API has a lot of features and I felt the need to include some more while fixing the bugs.
- Fixed a bug with URL’s that was encoded.
- Added thumbnail_size parameter.
- Added num_results parameter.
For more details and download go to the Google Ajax Feed Slide Show page.
The Expono Aperture Plugin had some troubles with image titles when exporting and some usability problems when authentication failed. Thanks to @jemostrom for reporting and helping me with the bug testing.
- Titles on exported images will be set to IPTC headline if set, otherwise version name will be used.
- Better error checking when checking authorization that allows you to retry if it fails.
For more details and download go to the Expono Aperture Plugin page.